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Sunday, 22 August 2010

Too much pepper.

Louise asks:
We know too much salt is bad for you, but what about pepper? Are there health risks from having too much pepper?

In short, no.

In long, it has benefits, such as aiding digestion by stimulating taste buds which in turn encourage the stomach to produce more hydrochloric acid which is necessary for the digestion of protein. It is also diaphoretic (makes sweat) and diuretic (makes wee).

It was also used as currency in Ancient Greece. If you thought 5c coins were annoying, imagine peppercorns in your Oroton purse.

Interesting fact: pepper is also a carminative, meaning it helps stop you farting. I rekon that's rubbish. My Gran snowed everything with white pepper and she trumpeted like James Morrison until she died.

By Monique Kowalczyk

So what do you want to know?

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